Oakdale United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Praise God, Love Others, Grow Spiritually, and Share Jesus!
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From the Pastor

Dear Oakdale family,
Bible Study: Our Lenten study will be Magrey Devega's book Savior: What The Bible Says About The Cross. The study will run six Tuesdays at 10:30 am from 3/11/25 through 4/15/25.
As Christians, we're taught that Christ died on the cross to bring us salvation. We know this, but do we understand it? What exactly did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Was the cross really necessary? Could there have been another way?
In Savior: What The Bible Says About The Cross, you'll be introduced to several biblically based ways of understanding Jesus' death on the cross that may go beyond the explanations you've heard before. By exploring the mystery of salvation through the cross, you'll find a deeper love for God and others while strengthening your commitment to follow Jesus.
You can buy the paperback from Amazon at this link or Kindle at this link. If you'd rather support a different bookseller, it is available in either paperback or eBook format from Abingdon at this link. Cokesbury also has it in paperback or eBook format at this link. Barnes and Noble has it in paperback or eBook format at this link.
Worship: Our Lenten Worship Series is called Purveyors Of Awe and will explore elements of Beauty, Wonder, Curiosity, Delight, and more. Awe is a profound emotional response that can significantly impact our well being and perception of the world. Awe often arises from experiences that transcend our usual understanding, such as viewing vast landscapes, listening to powerful music, encountering extraordinary acts of kindness, or feeling heightened devotion and a Divine Presence connecting us all. To be a "Purveyor of Awe" is to be intentional about curating a life of spiritual depth. This has implications not only for one's own life, but also as motivation to tend to the wellbeing of others. Let us approach this Lent with awe.
We will celebrate the tradition of ridding "the house" of fat and sweets by eating pancakes at a Shrove Tuesday dinner on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:00 pm.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, and we will have a short worship service of prayer that God create in us a clean heart and imposition of ashes at 7:00 pm that evening.
On Maundy Thursday, April 17th, we will enjoy a potluck meal together at 6:00 pm that will include prayers, scripture, in a remembrance of the Last Supper.
We will hold our annual Easter Sunrise Service at the Old Stone Church on Sunday, April 20th, at 6:00 am. We have ordered postcards for you to share with your family, friend, and neighbors, inviting them to join us at this service. Please be thinking about who to invite!
Plan to join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30 at the church or on our YouTube livestream at this link.
Pastoral Care: Please contact me when you have a graduation, anniversary, or other special event that you would like me to pray for. When you are facing a difficult decision and would like someone to discuss it with, I am a trained Spiritual Director, here to listen and to offer prayer for wisdom and guidance. When planning a wedding, I can provide premarital counseling and planning for a Christian ceremony. When anticipating a death in the family, let me pray for you and your loved one as they transition from this life to the eternal. I am here to serve you and encourage you in all of life’s situations. I am available by appointment or by chance at the church office.
In Christ's Love,
Pastor Cheryl