Oakdale United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Wedding Info

     The following are the established wedding guidelines for Oakdale United Methodist Church. Please make sure you are willing to abide by these guidelines before you make a final decision to have your wedding here. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding these guidelines.
     The current pastor of Oakdale UMC will officiate. You may request that an additional minister be invited to assist with your wedding, but our pastor shall preside and the degree of the other minister’s participation will be decided by the two clergy.  The pastor is responsible for the ceremony and will assist you in understanding the meaning of Christian marriage, the significance of the Christian wedding ceremony and the appropriateness and place of music, along with other details.
     There is no set fee for the pastor for members of the church. However, a gift is always appropriate. A fee of $200.00 for non church members should be paid at the time the wedding is scheduled.       
     It is our pleasure and blessing to offer the use of our beautiful church for your wedding. The use of the sanctuary, the vestry and the facilities are available for the rehearsal and wedding. The fee for the use of the building is $300.00, of which a $100 deposit is due at the time you are booking the wedding. Should you be interested in using the facilities for after the wedding there is an additional fee of $125.00. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the building at any time. 
     Due to the extra cleaning necessary before and after a wedding, a fee of $50.00 should be paid to cover these services. The pastor will inform you of how to address this expense.
     Flowers may be delivered to the church the day of the wedding. They may be left in the church or taken to your reception. Be sure to let your florist know where you want them placed in the sanctuary. The pastor should be consulted as to when flowers are to be delivered.
If a flower girl will be dropping flower petals during the procession, please note that ONLY artificial flowers are permitted when no protective runner has been rolled out onto the church's carpet. If a runner is used, real flower petals are permitted.
     The current organist plays for all weddings when organ music is required unless that person is unavailable. The organist will assist you in selecting your wedding music. The pastor will supply you with the name and number of the organist. The pastor is responsible for coordinating with the organist to ensure that the organist is available for the date of the wedding. You, however, are responsible for arranging a meeting with the organist to select the music. Please remember that the music performed at a service of Christian marriage should be as an act of worship offered to God in devotion, thanksgiving, and praise.  The fee for the organist is $150.00; It is suggested that this be taken care of at the wedding rehearsal.
     Our church is beautiful and we want your celebration to also be beautiful. Instruct your photographer to remain on the sidelines and in no way obstruct your ceremony. Professional photographers are permitted to take non-flash pictures only during the actual ceremony. This includes everything that takes place between the processional and the recessional. Flash photographs may be taken only during the processional and recessional. The minister will make it clear to your wedding guests that they will need to observe this policy as well. You may remain in church for photos after your celebration.
     The rehearsal will be led by the minister. All members of the wedding party, readers, and the organist should be present. The rehearsal ordinarily lasts about 45 minutes to 1 hour. For the sake of all involved it is critical that all participants be on time. No consumption of any alcoholic beverage on church property at the time of the rehearsal or wedding will be allowed.
     Please provide the remaining appropriate fees and the marriage license at the rehearsal. The pastor will sign your wedding license on the day of your ceremony and will mail the license back to the issuing office.
Building use fee (non-member only) $300.00
Clergy Fee (non-member only)      $200.00
Organist Fee $150.00
Custodian Fee (non-member only) $50.00
Ceremony Bulletin Fee (optional) $15.00
Wedding Function Fee (after ceremony) $125.00
Please note the deposit for the Building use fee is required to finalize a specific date. Also a building use form must be completed and signed prior to the wedding.
Please direct all your questions and concerns directly to the pastor.