Oakdale United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Praise God, Love Others, Grow Spiritually, and Share Jesus!
About WorshipSunday Worship Service: 10:30am Our Worship Service combines the singing of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, the hearing and preaching of God's Word, and sincere prayer for one another. During the Fall, Winter, and Spring we have a wonderful choir that shares the gift of music during our worship service. In the Summer, a variety of musicians, soloists, and quartets enrich our worship with music. Please visit the Worship Commitee page for information about member contacts and Altar Flowers.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month as a part of the worship service.
In accordance with United Methodist tradition, Oakdale UMC celebrates an "Open Table." We believe that it is our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, who invites us to share this most holy meal with Him. It is His decision, not ours, that determines who comes and shares the bread and cup with Him. Therefore, all who feel drawn to participate are cheerfully encouraged to do so. It does not matter how young or old you are, if you are a member of Oakdale UMC or not, if you are a United Methodist or not, or even if you have never been to a worship service before! If you feel Christ is calling you to share with him, you are welcome at the Communion Table.
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is celebrated for children at the request of their parents or for an adult desiring Baptism.
Generally, Baptism occurs during a regular Sunday morning worship service. United Methodists practice both infant and adult baptism. We believe that Baptism is a one-time, unrepeatable celebration. A person who was baptized as an infant, and desires to make a public commitment to Jesus Christ as an adult, is given the opportunity to reaffirm his or her baptismal vows. When children are baptized, it is the duty and privilege of parents to teach them its meaning and to lead them into the love of God and Jesus Christ. When a baptized child reaches Junior High School age, the congregation provides preparation for confirmation and full membership.
If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized, please contact our pastor to arrange for a mutually acceptable time as well as pre-baptism counseling.