Oakdale United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Praise God, Love Others, Grow Spiritually, and Share Jesus!
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Church Council exists to create and supervise the strategic plan for your local congregation fulfills its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Typically meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm (during the winter months, typically meets on 3rd Sunday of the month after worship)
Church Council members include:
Chair: Rachel Kopec
Pastor: Rev. Cheryl Meachen
Recording Secretary: Laurel Barrett
Lay Leader: Doug Downey
SPRC Rep: Carolyn Downer
Finance Chair: Mike Muir
Trustees Chair: Bruce Nichols
Treasurer: Deb Downey
Lay Member of Annual Conference: Laurene Nichols
Alternate Lay Member of Annual Conference: Betty Andrews
UMM Chair: Richard Flynt
UWF Chair: Janet Chapman
Young Adult Rep: Ashley Dill
UM Youth Rep: open
Financial Secretary: Deb Downey
Fundraising Team Lead: Richard Flynt
Membership Secretary: Betty Needham
Missions/Outreach Chair: Kathy Dill
Prayer Shawl Chairs: Kathy Dill and Judy Sandberg
Worship Committee Chair: Doug Downey
Director of Christian Education: Wendy Kneeland
Memorial Committee Rep: Mary Flynt
Newsletter Editor: Tina Muir